The Nahuarte project was born in 2012 with the intention of mixing two of my favorite crafts through painting. On the one hand, use the geometry, patterns and colorful contrasts used in the crafts made by the wixaritari (huicholes). On the other hand, use the vibrant colors and details of the alebrijes. Which I named the Huicholebrije Style.
The intention is to tell stories that transcend by uniting both styles and integrate two cultures through painting using the great mexican colors. Murals, sculptures, furniture and paintings are some of the things that I paint. I do these artistic interventions by giving each piece a unique style.
"The Nahual is the internal part of the individual that is considered a link with the sacred, it is the spirit that is capable of transforming itself into an animal and into elements of nature. Art in perpetual motion touching sensory fibers to consciously transcend into the light of the unified and social collective. ART THAT TRANSFORMS ".